Phone: +36 1 3826 823
Institute: Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology
Group: Sound and Speech Perception Research Group
Office: D4.13A
Curriculum vitae
István Winkler
Date and Place of Birth: February 8, 1958, Budapest, Hungary
Nationality: Hungarian
Languages Spoken: Hungarian, English
1980-1985 Eötvös Loránd University of Sciences, Budapest, M.Sc. in Psychology
1977-1981 Budapest University of Technology, Budapest, M.Sc. in Engineering
2005 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Academy (DSc, Professor)
1995 Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Candidate in Psychology (CSc)
1996 University of Helsinki, Docent in Psychology
1993 University of Helsinki, Ph.D. Degree in Psychology
2015 Kardos Lajos Award (Hungarian Psychological Association)
2015 Friedrich Péter Award (Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
2007 Short-term research fellowship (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
2006 Short-term research fellowship (Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies)
2004 Kardos Lajos Award (Institute for Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
2003-2004 Leibniz professor (University of Leipzig)
1995 Samuel Sutton Award for Distinguished Contribution to Human ERPs and Cognition (Samuel Sutton Foundation)
1994 Short-term research fellowship (Max Planck Institute, Munich)
1994 Annual Award for Best PhD Thesis (University of Helsinki)
1989-2007 Research Fellowship (Academy of Finland)
1987 Short-term fellowship (European Science Foundation)
1982 Award for University Studies (Ministry of Education, Hungary)
1981 Award for Students’ Scientific Activity (Scientific Association of Organization and Management)
2019-2023 National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Hungary (NKFIH K132642): Do mutually predictable responses support successful face-to-face communication?
2019-2021 Hungarian Academy of Sciences (Cooperation for Excellence 2019): AI aided medical-biological data analysis (KEP-5/2019)
2019-2020 Office of Naval Research (N00014-18-S-B001): Probabilistic processing of sequential auditory information in noise (co-supervisor of the PI)
2019 Hungarian Academy of Sciences (EUHUNKPT2019): Preparation for ERC Synergy grant proposal
2017-2021 National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Hungary (NKFIH K124477): The role of social, cognitive and genetic factors in language development (participant)
2017-2018 Hungarian Brain Research Program (KTIA_NPA_13 Infrastructure development): Biological amplifier system (KTIA_NAP_13-2-2017-0015)
2017 Hungarian Academy of Sciences (EUHUNKPT2017): Preparation for H2020 FutureLife grant proposal
2016-2019 Hungarian National Research Fund (OTKA K115385): Neuro-cognitive predictors of early language development
2014-2017 Marie Curie Initial Training Network (nr. 604764): Cognitive Innovation – CogNovo
2013-2016 Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Partnership (nr. 2012-5538 / 001 – 001-EM): Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience – ACN
2012-2017 Hungarian Academy of Sciences (“Lendület”; LP2012-36/2012): Who is talking? Neurocognitive and computational modeling of multi-speaker scenes
2012-2016 Hungarian National Research Fund (OTKA K101060): Auditory processing abilities in newborn infants
2009-2012 Seventh Framework Programme, Information and Communication Technologies, (STREP project 231168): Acoustic Scene Analysis for Detecting Living Entities (SCANDLE)
2006‑2007 MÖB‑DAAD (2006 2007/12): Hungarian‑German researcher exchange grant
2005‑2008 Sixth Framework Programme, Information Society Technologies project (STREP 013123): Emergent Cognition through Active Perception (EmCAP)
2005‑2008 Hungarian National Research Fund (OTKA T048383): Stimulus‑driven and attentive integration processes in perception
2002‑2005 Fogarty International Research Collaboration Award (FIRCA R03 TW005886 01): Preperceptual and perceptual organization of sound
2001‑2004 Hungarian National Research Fund (OTKA T034112): The perception and representation of complex auditory environments
2000‑2001 MÖB‑DAAD (2000 2001/53): Hungarian‑German researcher exchange grant
1997-2000 Hungarian National Research Fund (OTKA T022681): Localization of Acoustic Attentional and Memory Functions by Electric (EEG) and Magnetic (MEG) Event‑Related Potentials and Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI)
1993-1996 Hungarian National Research Fund (OTKA T006967): Intermodal and Inter‑Language Comparative Studies: Attentional and Mismatch Processes in Perception
1992‑1994 Hungarian National Research Fund (OTKA F004636): Studies in Auditory Sensory Memory by Event‑Related Brain Potentials
2017- Director: Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2012- Head of the Research Group: Sound and Speech Perception
2005- Scientific Advisor, Institute for Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences (from 2012: Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
2008-2016 Professor of Psychology, University of Szeged
2007‑2008 Scientific Advisor, University of Szeged
2003‑2004 Leibniz Professor, University of Leipzig
2001‑2007 Lecturer of Cognitive Psychology, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba
2000‑2012 Head of the Department of General Psychology, Institute for Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1996‑ Docent at the Department of Psychology, University of Helsinki
1993-2005 Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1987-1993 Research Fellow, Institute for Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
1987‑1988 Lecturer of Behavioral and Cognitive Psychology, Kossuth Lajos University of Sciences, Debrecen
1981-1987 Junior Research Fellow, Institute for Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2019- Member of the Social Sciences Board of the Presidential Committee for Research Evaluation (TEB), Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2019- Member of the Board of Trustees of the János Bolyai Research Scholarship
2018- Member of the Editorial Board of the Hungarian Journal of Psychology (Magyar Pszichológiai Szemle)
2015- Member of the Academia Europaea
2015-2019 Member of the Social Sciences Board of the Council of Research Institutes (AKT), Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2013-2016 Member of the Council of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Hungarian National Research Fund
2009- Member of the Psychology Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2005- Founding member of the Doctoral School in Psychology (Cognitive Science) Budapest University of Technology and Economics
2005-2015 Member of the Editorial board of Pszichológia
1996‑2004 Member of the Advisory Council of the International Association for the Study of Attention and Performance (IASAP)
PUBLICATION STATISTICS (based on, January 28, 2020)
Total Articles in Publication List: 251
Sum of the Times Cited: 10705
h-index: 54