Statutory public functions of Research Centre for Natural Sciences
The Research Centre for Natural Sciences manages public functions of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, undertakes public functions independently, and performs other activities, too. Statutory public functions of the research centre are determined by the supervising entity of Research Centre for Natural Sciences in the Deed of Foundation.
Basic activities
The Research Centre for Natural Sciences carries out multidisciplinary research in natural sciences. The research centre and its institutions have provided specific activities determined in the Deed of Foundation, and within the area of research, the institutes have given priority to the following disciplines and research tasks:
In the field of organic chemistry
Developing novel types of reaction, the synthesis of new ring frames and compounds in the field of organic small- and supramolecular molecules, determination of chemical structure and interpretation of experimental processes by instrumental techniques and theoretical calculations.
In the field of materials- and environmental chemistry
Research of discovery and experimental development in some key areas of materials- and environmental science, with special emphasis on chemical aspects thereof. Exploratory research in the field of nanoscale functional materials and application of the results in integrated nano/micro systems.
In the field of enzymology
Basic research of natural science and experimental development in some areas of biological sciences (such as, biophysics, biochemistry, bioinformatics, enzymology, genetics, molecular biology, cell biology). Exploratory research in drug effects for the investigation of biological bases on molecular level. Experimental development for the formation of new effective and safe drugs.
In the field of cognitive neuroscience and psychology
Research of discovery and applications in experimental psychology, human-, developmental and comparative psychophysiology, social development psychology, social psychology and cultural psychology.
Other tasks related to research functions of Research Centre for Natural Sciences:
- establishing and maintaining cooperation and contacts with academic institutions of other countries and international scientific societies;
- promoting the presence of Hungarian research projects in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, enzymology, chemistry, technical physics, materials science and psychology in international academic life;
- organizing national and international scientific events and conferences, announcing calls for grant applications;
- issuing scientific, professional and educational publications relating to its activities;
- promoting the cultivation of science in Hungarian language;
- encouraging and facilitating social and economic utilisation of achievements made in scientific research;
- in cooperation with higher education institutions, participating in education, as well as
- performing tasks in joint research, training and post-graduate education programmes; operating a research library.
Regular business activities
Based on the Deed of Foundation No.: E-1307/2011, Research Centre for Natural Sciences may also conduct enterprising activities; however, the total amount of its income made from such activities in any two consecutive years shall not be more than one third of its actual expenditures of the given year. At the time of entering into force of this regulation, the research centre has not done any business activities; if it decided to conduct business activities, the present regulation would have to be supplemented by recording the range of activities performed and classification of range of activities according to the order of public professional tasks.
Competence, range of operation
Name of supervising entity:
Eötvös Loránd Research Network (ELKH)