
Phone: +36 1 3826 523,+36 1 3826 420,+36 1 3826 421
Institute: Centre for Structural Science
Group: Chemical Crystallography Research Laboratory
Office: D1.11, É0.09C, É0.10A

    Curriculum vitae


    2014/05 – Present     Senior research fellow at the Chemical Crystallography Research Group, Research Centre for Natural Sciences HAS (former CRC HAS)
    2010/01 – 2014/05   Senior research fellow at the EPR Spectroscopy Research Group, Research Centre for Natural Sciences HAS (former CRC HAS)
    2004/09 – 2010/01   research fellow at EPR Spectroscopy Research Group, Insitute of Structural Chemistry, Chemical Research Center of the Hungarian Acedemy of Sciences (CRC HAS), Budapest, Hungary
    2003/09 – 2004/09   junior research fellow at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, University of Szeged


    2007: Visiting post-doctoral researcher at Department Physics, University of Antwerp, Belgium (11 month)
    2003: Ph.D. in chemistry at the Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Szeged, Hungary
    2000: M. Sc. in chemistry at the University of Szeged, Hungary


    2014-present: Member of the Commission on the Structure of Molecule and Material of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    2014-present: Member of the European Crystallographic Association (ECA)
    2014- present: Member of the Association of Crystallisation and drug formulation of the Hungarian Chemical Society
    2006-present: Member of the European Federation of EPR groups (EFEPR)
    2004-present: Member of the Commission on the Coordination Chemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences


    2017 J. Bolyai Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    2007 Poster prize at 15th Meeting of the Benelux EPR Group, Utrecht, The Netherlands
    2005 Poster prize at 29th International Conference on Solution Chemistry, Portoroz, Slovenia
    2005 Academic Prize for Young Researchers by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
    1998 Scolarchip of Szeged Town Council

    Educational activity

    BSc or MSc supervisor

    2016 Zsolt Szentendrei, BSc
    2014 Mária Rábai, BSc, MSc
    2010 Csilla László, BSc, MSc

    PhD co-supervisor

    2016- Tamás Gál

    Research topics

    Structural investigation of transition metal complexes in biologically relevant systems (complexes of small bioactive molecules, oligopeptides and proteins, therapeutic chelators for diseas connected with metal accumulation and contrast agents for medicinal use) by using electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) and single crystal X-ray diffraction (SXRD) methods.

    List of publications

    List of publications