Recent News

Recent News2018-04-13T10:22:50+02:00

Brain functionality in weightlessness

The latest paper by the TTK Environmental Adaptation and Space Research Group, “Persistent deterioration of visuospatial performance in spaceflight” was recently published in Scientific Reports. The experiment investigated the effect of long-term space travel on brain and cognitive function. While the era of manned spaceflight to Mars is soon to [...]

2021. May 12.|Recent News|

Researchers at RCNS (TTK) make a fundamental discovery concerning the initiation of the molecular immune response

The complement system is a powerful effector branch of the innate immunity in the blood and in other body fluids. The complement system, like the blood coagulation, is a proteolytic cascade system which can recognize, label and eliminate invading pathogens (e.g. bacteria, viruses, fungi) and dangerously altered host cells (e.g [...]

2021. May 5.|Recent News|

Safety Regulations in RCNS (Issued by Acting Director on September 09)

The second peak of the COVID-19 pandemic is hitting Hungary. While it seems more severe than the first peak, it mainly affects young adults to date. To delay or completely avoid spreading the virus in RCNS, I hereby complement the safety regulations published on May 21. Remote work remains supported [...]

2020. September 14.|Recent News|

Complex nanostructures for engineering next-generation diamond-related materials

The wide variety of fascinating and complex nanostructures contained within meteorites, impacted rocks, and laboratory-shocked samples can be targeted to produce the future diamond-related materials with improved mechanical, thermal and optoelectronic properties - says a scientist from the Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry and his colleagues in their Commentary [...]

2020. August 24.|Recent News|

Prof. Mátyás Czugler receives the first Alajos Kálmán Prize from Hungary

The Advisory Board of the Hungarian Chemical Society awards the first Hungarian Alajos Kálmán Prize in 2020 to Prof. Mátyás Czugler (Prof. emer., Research Centre for Natural Sciences). The career of Prof. Mátyás Czugler is primarily joined to the Research Centre for Natural Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. [...]

2020. June 30.|Recent News|
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