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Intézet: Kognitív Idegtudományi és Pszichológiai Intézet
Csoport: Pszichobiológiai Kutatócsoport
Iroda: D4.05A


    Personal dates
    Name: Vargáné Kis, Anna
    Nationality: Hungarian
    Date of birth: 23. 07. 1987.
    Marital status: Married, mother of one
    Maternity leave: 2014 – 2015 (14 months)

    15. 09. 2012. – present: Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology,
    Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary. Research Fellow (Junior Research Fellow until 2014)
    01. 01. – 15. 09. 2012.: HAS-ELTE Comparative Ethology Research Group. Scientific Collaborator

    2012 – 2014: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. PhD in Ethology program, summa cum laude
    2010 – 2012: Budapest University of Technology and Economics. MSc in Cognitive Sciences (excellent grade with highest honours). Scholar of the Hungarian Republic in academic year 2011/12
    2007 – 2010: Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. BSc in Biology (grade with Distinction)
    2007 – 2014: Fellow of Bolyai College
    2007 – 2011: Fellow of Eötvös József Collegium

    Summer Schools, Foreign Visits
    June 2014 (1 week): Morality: Evolutionary Origins and Cognitive Mechanisms; Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
    September 2012 (1 week): Social Structure Summer School; Göttingen, Germany
    March 2012 (2 weeks): Latin American School for Education, Cognitive and Neural Sciences;
    El Calafate, Argentina
    July – September 2011 (3 months): Department of Biological Sciences, University of Lincoln, UK. CompCog Exchange Grant, European Science Foundation. Supervisor: Anna Wilkinson
    November 2010 (1 week): CompCog UK Lab Visit, European Science Foundation. University of Bristol, University of Lincoln, University of Cambridge
    July – September 2009 (3 months): University of Vienna, Department of Neurobiology and Cognition. Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research. ÖAD (project number: 74öu3); Supervisor: Zsófia Virányi
    September – October 2006 (1 month): Academia Mester (Salamanca, Spain); Excal grant. Spanish language course

    Scientific publication: 34 peer-reviewed articles (19 first and/or corresponding authored)
    Book Chapter: 2 (1 English, 1 Hungarian)
    IF:144.41, Citations: 480 (Independent citations: 342), H-index: 12

    Canine Science Forum: Early Career Scientist Award (2016)
    Hungarian Academy Sciences: Young Investigator Award (2015)
    National Student Conference in Psychology (OTDK): Section General Psychology II. Place (2013)
    Hungarian Ethology Association: “Young Behavioural Scientist of the Year” Award (2012)
    Technical University Budapest: “Excellent Student” Award by the Faculty of Natural Sciences (2012)
    Student Conference, Technical University Budapest: 2011: Section Cognitive Sciences, II. Place; 2010: Section Ergonomics and Cognitive Sciences, III. place
    Conference for Biology and Chemistry Students: 2010: Section Physiology, I. place; 2009: Section Neurobiology, I. place
    National Student Conference in Environmental Sciences: 2010: Section Conservation Biology, II. place
    Student Conference, Eötvös University: 2009: Section Ethology, I. place; 2008: Section Ethology, Special award

    Hungarian scientific Research Fund (OTKA): FK 128242 (39 748 000 HUF), Principal Investigator, 2018
    BIAL Foundation: Grant no 169/16 (41,500 EUR), Principal Investigator, 2017
    Nestlé−Purina: Sponsorship for Studies in Cat and Dog Emotional Well-being (24,000 USD), Principal Investigator, 2016
    Balassi Institute: Short Term Study Program, 2014
    Hungarian Academy Sciences: Young Investigator International Conference Grant (INKP), 2014; 2017
    Richter Gedeon Foundation: Topical Grant, contracted for detailed topic elaboration, 2014
    Hung. Sci. Research Found  (OTKA): K 100695, associated researcher, 2012‒15
    European Science Foundation: CompCog Exchange Visit Grant, 2011
    Budapest University of Technology and Economics: University Scholarship & Faculty Scholarship 2010/11 I. & II. semester; 2011/12 I. & II. semester
    Bolyai College Foundation: Conference Grant, 2010
    Eötvös Loránd University: Scientific Scholarship, 2009/10 I. & II. semester; 2013/14 I. & II. semester

    Conference participation
    International: 9 short talks (6 as presenting author), 21 posters (12 as presenting author)
    National: 21 conference participation with short talk and/or poster
    Invited lectures: European Student conference of Behaviour and Cognition, Vienna (2018), plenary lecture; NEURONUS, IBRO Neuroscience Forum, Krakkow (2018), invited symposium; The Mechanisms of Animal Behaviour Symposium, Wrocław (2017), plenary lecture; Canine Science Forum, Padova (2016), plenary lecture

    2009 – : Hungarian Ethology Association
    2011 – : Central European Cognitive Science Association
    2011 – 2013: European Society for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
    2012: Association for Psychological Science

    Editor: Frontiers Research Topic (Oxytocin and Social Behaviour in Dogs and Other (Self-) Domesticated Species: Methodological Caveats and Promising Perspectives), 2017; Central European Cognitive Science Association (Newsletter editor), 2011-2016; Family Dog Project (Newsletter editor), 2009-2014
    Reviewer: National Conference for University Students in Biology (2017); Hungarian National Science Fund (2017, 2018); Proceedings of the Royal Society B; Psychoneuroendocrinology; Physiology & Behavior; PLoS ONE, Behavioural Processes; Journal of Veterinary Behaviour, Computers in Human Behavior, Behavioral and Brain Function, Learning & Motivation (occasional reviewer)
    Organizer: Dubrovnik Conference in Cognitive Science. Organizer, 2012; Conference chair 2016. Psychophysiology Congress (Organization Helper, 2010). Canine Science Forum (Organization Helper, 2008, 2010). Bolyai Conference (Session chair, 2009). Top Mancs Dog Ethology Camp (Organizer, 2008, 2010)
    Science dissemination: Hungarian National Television “Everybody’s Academy” (45 min talk in Hungarian), 2017. Worldwide Free Seminar of the Family Dog Project (15 min talks) 2016, 2015 (English & Hungarian), 2013 (Hungarian only). Translation (from English to Hungarian): Dog Behaviour, Evolution and Cognition (by Ádám Miklósi), Chapter 9 Popular science show for Spectrum television, 2011 (several episodes). Popular science papers in Everyday Psychology, Chemistry Panorama, Dog Magazine, Life & Science (in Hungarian)

    05. szeptember 2018

    Oktatási tevékenység

    BSc Students: 2 to completion, 1 currently
    MSc Students: 2 currently
    Short-term Projects: 4 to completion, 1 currently
    Conferences (as Supervisor): Conference of the Hungarian Biology Association 2017; National Conference for University Students in Biology, Section Ethology 2013 (2 students); Section Ethology 2015 (1 student); Section Ethology and Behavioural Biology 2017 (2 students); Elevator Pitch Fest 2015 ‒ Special Award; Bolyai Conference 2014, 2015, 2017; Local Student Conferences: Eötvös University 2012, 2013, 2014; Szent István University 2016; University of Szeged 2016

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