Research Centre for Natural Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences participates in the „HyLAW” research project

Research Centre for Natural Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences participates in the „HyLAW” research project with the support of Hungarian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association1 .The project brings together 23 partners from 18 EU countries, and it is coordinated by Hydrogen Europe.

HyLAW stands for Hydrogen Law and removal of legal barriers to the deployment of fuel cells and hydrogen applications. It is a flagship project aimed at boosting the market uptake of hydrogen and fuel cell technologies providing market developers with a clear view of the applicable regulations whilst calling the attention of policy makers on legal barriers to be removed. The project brings together 23 partners from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, the Netherlands and United Kingdom and is coordinated by Hydrogen Europe.

The HyLAW partners will first identify the legislation and regulations relevant to fuel cell and hydrogen applications and legal barriers to their commercialisation. They will then provide public authorities with country specific benchmarks and recommendations on how to remove these barriers.

HyLAW main outputs will be:

  • An online and publicly available database compiling legal and administrative processes applicable to hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in 18 countries across Europe
  • National policy papers describing each legal and administrative process, highlighting best practices, legal barriers and providing policy recommendations
  • A pan-European policy paper targeted towards European decision makers
  • National and European workshops for dissemination of the findings and convincing public authorities to remove barriers

HyLAW started in January 2017 and will run until December 2018. The database will be maintained by Hydrogen Europe for minimum three years after the end of the project.

The 2nd General Assembly of HyLaw project will be on 22-23 June 2017 (Thursday-Friday) in Budapest, Hungary. Research Centre for Natural Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences will host the meeting.

The HyLAW project has received funding from the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking 2under grant agreement No 737977. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, Hydrogen Europe3 and N.ERGHY4.

[1] Hungarian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association

[2] Fuel Cell & Hydrogen Joint Undertaking:

[3] Hydrogen Europe:

[4] New European Research Grouping on Fuel Cells and Hydrogen N.ERGHY